Monday, August 02, 2004

juz changed the music of my blog to anyone of us by Gareth Gates...lurve tis song...glad tat can wk again...hehes...anyway,today i m in a reli foul mood...yesterday did home econs w/b until 12 midnite only to get to sch and noe tat the w/b needs to be handed up only tomorrow...haiz...then yesterday did paper cut until hands are aching and cut my finger...well,paper cutting is driving me reli crazy,took abt 6 hrs to complete everything...then today go sch,mdm khairiyah said tat dun hv to hand up!!!!!!!!!argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!all tis is making me feel so annoying...after sch,went to find mr spencer to ask him sumthing abt the mordern map of south east asia...then he told me tomorrow gt extra history lessons after sch,ask me to inform the class...then when i gt hm,i signed in to msn wanting to inform every1 abt it...and in the end,i manage to told every1 who are online,bt the replies they gave were lyk huh!?can dun go?why extra lessons?alot of ppl gt cca leh?as if its my fault lor...okies,nvm,i shdn't blame them...maybe they r in a bad mood oso...guess tat the heavy load of hmwk tis few days is making every1 in a bad mood...