Wednesday, September 08, 2004

i juz hate myself...wad exactly is happening to me?i oso dunno...i feel so useless,i juz can't get little things done properly these few days...on mon,we went to esplanade library and for goodness sake,i can't even find a single bk on the heritage of singapore for my cme project...then yst i left my cd in the library com,and i thot the diskette was wif cherine until i found out lata tat it was wif me...then 2day,i bake the cookies and it turned out black cuz i dunno i 4gt or wad,bt i only on the lower heater when i m supposed to on both the lower and upper heater -_-" i feel tat i m at fault if the projects can't be finished...then my grp wud get it betta off w/o me?perhaps...i am juz so forgetful these few i losing my memory soon?i juz feel so worried abt my hmwk and projects....wad if i can't finished them?then wud hv to face the music when sch re-opens...