Friday, December 31, 2004

ok,din't blog for abt 2 days...wud update evrything nw =)

29/12- reached sch at 9am to report for the orientation camp preparation...den we were briefed wad to do...after tat,had own committee in d games committee =) after the discussion,we went out to eat our and mich went to mac to eat,haha...den help to wrap the souvenirs for sec ones after tat...tis yr sec 1s very poor thing,only hv one orientation camp t-shirt,a pen and a light srick for camp fire...summore the t-shirt is yellow -.- after tat,we prepared for the trial run for our games...and at abt 6.30pm,we went to bathe and den hv dinner...muz be back by reduan came and den gave us the disipline talk,after displine talk,we did sum rehersals for our mass dance and mrs chong wanted us to sing the sch song cuz we hv to teach the sec 1s the nxt day...yups,actually we shd be hving movies to watching bt by the tym we finish singing sch song and gotten our orientation t-shirt,its alredy 11.30pm,so mrs chong say the movie is cancelled...den we went to slp in the hall,alot of ppl gt mosquito bites,and sum even gt bites frm sum insects...

30/12- today is the sec 1 orientation camp...the sec 1s are supposed to report at 7.30am bt sum reached at 7.00am and we were still hving our to noe who is 2e1 form teacher and co-form cuz ms jospeh told me...reli got a shcok,haha,bt she ask me nt to tell other ppl =( den at 8am,we did PT with the sec 1s...den they had ice breakers,cuz ms jospeh is the form teacher of 1e5,so me and mich went to her class to help her...cuz me,mich,pamela,pei yi,kah pin,iris,jasmine,jia qi and qing xiang were in charged of food,we were supposed to wait for the caterer to cum and den help to distribute the food...and the caterer was so horrible,the breakfast for the sec 1s were suppose to cum at 10 bt it came at the tym table was all messed up...den after tat,had mass dance wif the sec 1s and helped yong cheug wif his game...yups...their lunch only came at 3pm bt the sec 1s were already very hungry so we had to bring out sum bread and biscuits for them first...den me,mich,iris and pamela went to prepare for our game which is called human heater...the sec 1s are supposed to melt the ice using either their hands or clothes in 5 mins...i was the timer...we reli had a hard tym explaining to them cuz we had to scream loud as there were abt 40-80 ppl at a tym...den they were so noisy,haha,all so excited when they see the big blocks of ice...after the games,the sec 1s went to change into their camp t-shirt and hv their dinner which is mac cheese burger or fish me,mich,iris and pamela cleared up for the game and went to hv our dinner too...the parents den came and we were supposed to serve them drinks...after tat,helped to bring the sec 1s to the parade square cuz they were blindfolded...haha...the camp fire was quite grand...den we had the mass dance and jackson the emcee sang i dream...oh my gosh,his voice was sooooooo nice,he reli sound lyk taufik...after tat,we had the friendship dance and class cheer competition and 1n2 was the champion...haha,i keep promotin the sec 1s break camp at 10pm...and my dad came to fetch me and iris hm...