Saturday, May 21, 2005

wanted to update my blog yst bt was too tired to do,had npcc training yst..we had the npcc day parade cause we din't do it on npcc day as it was exams yst was a make-up..yupp,after the parade,we had PT,which was VERY TOUGH..we did 70 pumpings,70 sit-ups,70 squads,70 burpists and 70 leg raise..reli tiring..that explains my muscle ache today..haha..after PT,we played treasure of the task was reli lame,we were suppose to find a spider -.- after PT,we had mass jogging..frankly speaking,i dun reli like mass jogging..haha..and at the end of the training,we had the passing out parade..the sec 4 ncos were wearing their full-u..after the parade,the sec 4s threw their sad..sec 4s are leaving us already..den we saw that the sec 4s were crying,and we felt like crying too..wanna thank all the sec 4 ncos for all the training they had given us and all the scoldings and punishments they had becuz of us..we are gonna miss all of you..finally,just wanna say......SEC 4 NCOS RAWKS!!!!!