Sunday, June 19, 2005

hey people,i'm back frm obs camp!!!actually i was already back on friday,but i was too tired to blog..hehe..hmm..wud blog abt the camp now..

13/06 (monday)- met mr yon in sch at 7.30am,den we took a bus to punggol jetty,and den took a boat to pulau ubin-obs camp we were the first grp to reach,we had to wait for ard 2 hrs for the other schs to reach..after all the schs were present,we were den divided into watches..our sch was divided into 2 watches (amundsen and cousteau) with 15 ppl in each watch..i was in cousteau and my watch members were min hui,iris,jing yan,yong you,rui ren,shi ming,amanda,sherilyn,farah,larissa,kah wai,milfred,kenneth tan and donavan..they are reli nice ppl,and i got to noe more new friends =) ok,back to the topic..first,we took a grp photo with our instructor sam and later on,we went to pack our food rations and have our lunch..after lunch,we packed our store which contained all the equipments we need for the camp..after all the packing has been done,we finally had our very first activity..there was 3 parts to the activity:
1) blade of grass- we got into grps of 3s..1 person wud be standing in front,another in the center and the last person behind..den the person in the center wud fall front and back and the other 2 people standing in front and behind hv to catch that person and prevent him from falling..this is to build trust among our friends..
2) trust fall- 14 ppl wud be holding a mat and position it beside the stairs..den 1 person wud be standing on the stairs and that person hv to fall backwards..this is also to build trust but nw,it's to build trust among the whole watch..
3) belaying- this one requires our harness and helmet cause its a climbing activity which involves height..we got into grps of 4s..1 person wud be the climer who will be climbing up the high element,while the other 3 wud be the belayer,anchorman and the asst belayer..the 3 ppl are to support the climber and make sure that he/she does nt fall off..after the climber reach the top,he/she is suppose to let go of the high element and is supposed to be hanging in the air,waiting for the belayer,anchorman and asst belayer to lower him/her dwn..

after the activity,our insturctor brought us to our campsite and showed us hw to pitch a tent..after we pitched our tents,we cooked our dinner using mess tins,pots and solid fuels..after dinner,we were den told that we had to wash the mess tins using,we went to the beach,used the sand to scrub our mess tins and den rinsed with sea for the cans left over by the can food,we had to rinse it and den compress it..we den dug a hole in the sand using the entrenching tool to bury the left over food..later on,our instructor gave us detergent and we had to do a second wash for the utensils and cookery..after everything was done,we were finally allowed to bathe..believe it or not,we actually bathed in the dark cause the lights in the toilet couldn't be on..haha,it was a fun experience..bathing in the dark was that scary after all..lights off was at 11pm..

14/06 (tuesday)- woke up at 6am,unpitched our tents and ate our breakfast..den,we packed the things that we needed into a big backpack provided for us..that backpack could hold 55kg..we had to pack for a 3 day 2 night "expedidition"..there were reli lots of things to bring..we each had to bring along 2 sport shorts,3 t-shirts,2 track pants,undergarment,life jacket,2 2 litres water bottles(4 litres of water altogether),1 mess tin,spoon,fork,mug,harness,helmet,personal effects,solid fuel,1 whistle and lighters..we also had to help the watch to carry 4 tent sets,6 jerricans(1 jerrican can hold 16 litres of water),pots,2 maps of pulau ubin,4 compasses and food that could last us for 4 meals..after we finised packing,our instructor told us that we wud be going to obs camp 1 and we had to find the way there ourselves using the map..the trekking part was the worst part..we walked thru the jungle carrying the heavy backpack and all the equipments with us..the backpack was even heavier than was so heavy that i couldn't lift it up myself-i had to ask someone to help me..on the way to obs camp 1,there was a checkpoint and we did an activity there..there were 2 parts to the activity:
1) part 1- the whole watch had to carry 5 water bottles with us and walk across all the obstacles individually..there were 2 starting points..both cousteau and amundsen wud start frm the 2 different starting points(which will be the other watches' ending point)..if anyone drops off frm the logs which form the obstacles,that particular person wud hv to re-start..everyone must be on the same log before the whole watch can move on to the next platform,the same goes to reaching the platform and moving on to the next log..
2) part 2- its the same as part 1,just that this time,the whole watch hv to hold hands,and if 1 person falls off frm the log,the whole watch hv to re-start..
come to think of it,this activity reli helps to strengthen the bond between the watch and also help to promote teamwork..after this activity,we continued trekking to obs camp 1..when we reached camp 1,we left our bags in a sheltered area,had our lunch and changed into our wet attire(swim wear,sport shorts,t-shirt,wet shoes and life jacket)..we den met instructor sam to learn abt kayaking..our instructor thot us abt the parts of a kayak,wad to do if the kayak capsized and hw to use a paddle..the best part was the kayaking part..i partnered larissa and we kayaked in the was way nt long after we kayaked,there was thunder and it started to we had to go into a sheltered area and we were given materials to make our watch flag..when the rain finally stopped,we went to keep the kayaks,bathe,hv dinner and den pitch our tents..when we pitch our tents,it was already ard we had to use torchlights...yupp,den the worst thing is that there was a rat hole at the was right beside one of our tents and iris even saw a rat running abt..all of us freaked out..den at nite,the guys sacrificed and patrolled ard the campsite for the whole nite to ensure that the rats din't come into our a result,the guys din't get enough slp..anyway,just wanna thank all of the guys =)

15/06 (wednesday)- same thing as day 2,we woked up at 6am,unpitched our tents and had our breakfast..we were supposed to do rock climbing that morning but to our disappointment,it rained we had to play some indoor games..we all thot that indoor games were usually boring and not challenging,bt we were wrong..the game that we played was called "raft escape"..we were given 3 planks and 8 blocks and the whole grp had to stand on it..the objective is to move to the finishing line using the planks and the blocks..if at any time someone falls off the plank,that person wud hv to be blind folded..this game may sound easy bt it definitely is reli puts our teamwork and patience to the test..after the game,we had our lunch and prepared to leave for our next our next campsite had no water supply,we had to fill up the all 32 water bottles(2 litres each) for the whole watch and 4 jerricans(16 litres each) of water..luckily,the jerricans were transported to our campsite by a truck..after the preparation,we started to trek again..this time,it was for 3.6km..while we were trekking in the jungle,there were lots of mosquitos,so much so that u can see them flying all ard u..den there were mani junctions on the way,so there were times when we quarelled cause we din't noe which way to go..we managed to reach the campsite finally after ard 3 hrs..all of us were worn out and our shoulders were aching due to the heavy backpacks..after resting for awhile,we pitched our tents,cooked dinner and did the normal washing of utensils and cookery..for the very first time,we had an early nite..we were allowed to rest at ard 8 all of us powder bathed cause there weren't any toilets for us to bathe..the most disgusting part is when it comes to doing our there weren't any toilets,we had to dig a hole using the entrenching tool,do our buisness and den cover the hole nite,the whole watch sang together..we sang all kinds of songs-frm chinese to english songs. songs like tong hua,welcome to my life,don't wanna miss a thing,i dream and alot was reli fun and we were so bonded..after ard 1 hr + of singing,our buddy watch amundsen came to tell us that their instructor told them that there were wild boars at our we had to do patrolling agn to make sure that the wild boars dun come and attack we din't close our tents,all the sand flies and ants came into our tents,and we got bitten by a result,we couldn't the end,it was the guys agn who sacrificed their tents and let us slp in all the gurls(7 of us) slpt in their tents..we told the guys that if they are tired,wake us up so that we could take over them for patrolling bt they din't wake us up,cause they said we were all slping so the poor guys didn't slp for the whole nite agn...wanna thank the guys again..

16/06 (thursday)- woke up at 6am today,striked down our tents,changed into wet attire and had breakfast..breakfast for today was pathetic;only 1 packet of biscuit for each of us cause we didn't bring enough food..yupp,after breakfast,we reached the quarry after trekking for a few metres..den we had our next activity there..we were supposed to build a raft within an hr using 8 pipes,4 barriers and 11 ropes that are provided to us..the raft was supposed to float in the quarry which was 20+ metres deep..after we built our rafts,we pushed it into the quarry and all of us started to jump into the quarry one by one..we spashed water at each other and the whole watch got onto the raft..we were singing on the raft and i reli enjoyed it alot..after that,we had to change into our trekking there were no toilet facilities,we had to change in the forest..argh!!!there were so mani mosquitos and red ants..reli terrible =X later on,we continued our long trekking journey back to obs camp 2..the sun was scorching hot and everyone was irritated by all the mosquitos and ants..we encouraged one another nt to give up and we finally reached camp everyone was hungry,we started to hv our lunch and went for our next activity which was the flying fox!!!!! the flying fox was 6 storeys high..while i was climbing up the stairs to the top,it seemed like an impossible thing to reach the top cause the platform was so high up. yupp,bt when u come dwn frm the top,it only took less than 5 secs cause the speed was very fast..reli need lots of courage to do so. wud say that it was very memorable cause i didn't try flying fox before and it was my first time..hmm..after flying fox,our instructor brought us to our campsite..the campsite was quite high at the hill top,cause u hv to climb a 101 steps up the stiars to reach there and according to our instructor,she said that if we fall off,it wud be 40m was the last day we pitched our tents cause it was our last night there..we kinda "mastered" the skill of tent pitching,so it only took the whole watch ard 30 mins to pitch 4 tents..after tent pitching,we unpack our stuff frm that dirty backpack into our own bag,den we did store cleaning..meaning that we hv to clean up all the equipments that we used..while the rest of us were doing store cleaning,jing yan,rui ren and milfred went to cook our dinner..den i went to help out later on..we had "buffet" for dinner tonite..haha,it was a nice one =) after dinner,did the normal washing up of the cookery and untensils,den went to bathed and finally,lights out at 11pm..

17/06 (friday)- last day of our camp. we striked dwn our tents early in the morning and went to wash them..den changed into our wet attire,ate our breakfast and met instructor sam at 7am. we did our commitment activity which was jetty jump..we had to say our commitment statement which was a promise that u made to urself and to everyone after this obs camp,and den jump dwn into the sea..there were jelly fish and small flying fishes in the,when our instructor did the demo,the flying fishes all flew up..i was disgusted..haha..yupp,when it was my turn,i said my commitment statement and den jumped dwn..the sea water was super salty and u could feel all the water rushing into ur it was a great experience ^^ after that,we went to bathe and den camp break. we waited for our turn to take the boat back to yon was waiting for us at punggol jetty..den i took bus 82 and changed bus 86 to compass..went yoshi to eat with juvenal and min hui..haha,never had such nice food for so long..den later on,donavan came to join us and we chatted till 5+ and den went hm..

i've never regretted going for the obs camp. it was a reli fun one..we shared mani happy and sad moments together and got to know one another better. it's reli hard to say out verbally the thoughts and feelings of this camp unless u reli experience it urself. it was an experience of a lifetime. am gonna miss obs. anyway,just wanna say OBS,COUSTEAU and OUR INSTRUCTOR SAM RAWKS!!!!! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING YOU GUYS DID =)