Monday, April 04, 2005

hey,i m reli reli sorry for nt updating my blog for 2 whole wks..i apologise to those who had been visiting my blog...anyway,life's been reli busy for me. there's npcc trainings,den we hv lots of tests cuming up..tis wk,i hv to complete doing the website for the RiverTrail competition..the dateline is on tis cuming fri,so wud be staying in sch everyday to do the website..i haven't been doing well for my tests either..i failed my lit test,which reli decreases my confidence in lit..tat was the first lit test i failed,and it has been a subject tat i hv always enjoyed,how sad =( den i was asked to go for mrs sankar's remedial cuz i failed my maths for ca1 overall..almost went crazy doing the 100+ maths sums given to me by mrs sankar..reli stressed up. i wasn't in a gd mood since saturday,cuz i juz feel kinda left out,being an xtra,and juz sum1 who doesn't needa exist in tis world at all. haiz...